Sunday, April 28, 2013

Blessed Is the One Who Waits on the Lord by Carolyn

I've been gone from the blog for sometime now.  It's been an unusual time; a new season.  There are times in life when you are pulled in several directions at once, and temporarily lose your ability to concentrate fully on any one of them.

This year has already brought more changes than I could have imagined, or better yet, understood, on December 31, 2012.  My 67 year old husband retired and immediately he wanted to take a road trip to Florida.  That was so much fun and a wonderful gift from God that we could go an enjoy it thoroughly.  Then our son and daughter-in-law, who are in their early 40's, had their first baby in late February, our third grandchild.  How wonderful to welcome her!  She lives in California and we live in Ohio, so that called for an extensive visit to get to know her. 

In March we discovered my husband has prostate cancer and, due to the circumstances of his case, that pesky little gland must come out.  We're in the waiting room and, as of this writing, are still unsure when that will happen.  Jim has read much of the research.  He's read several books on the matter.  He's talked with many other men who have been through experiences like his, and others with similar problems.  He's done all that he can to educate himself and get ready.  He's calm and very much at peace as far as I can tell.  He's not a believer, which makes him an unbeliever, but rather than calling him that, I prefer to call him a "not yet" believer.

If I have any fear, and I would be foolish to pretend I have none, it is that Jim won't recognize this wake up call.  The phone is ringing, the mail has been delivered and both have a message for him.  This is another gift from God.  A gift of a different sort.  Our Lord wants Jim's attention.  He wants him to answer the door, answer the phone, and listen!  He is wooing him, calling him, beckoning him to Himself.  Will he hear?  Will he answer?  Will he listen? 

Daniel 12:12 says, "Blessed is the one who waits on the Lord."  I know the Lord wants no one to perish.  And  I trust Him.  I will wait on Him.  I will wait in faith, confidence and patience.  But I won't wait without action.  I will pray and plead that He enlivens the Spirit in Jim's heart soon, and stirs Him into action that Jim can feel, hear, see and even touch!  May it be so, Lord.  May it be so!
