At school I share an office space with a wonderful group of women, all quite a bit younger than I am. The other day, they were all raving about their Uggs boots, saying they were comfy, dry in snow, and had good traction on ice. I was almost convinced, despite a lingering concern about their appropriateness for a woman who qualifies for Medicare.
So on Saturday, I went to Macy’s, only to find they don’t carry Uggs. Instead they carry Emus, and what a great pitch the shoe salesman made. Emus are made in Australia like Uggs, they look like Uggs, feel like Uggs, do everything Uggs do… and all for much less hit to my wallet. I was convinced, and soon I was happily walking everywhere in my Emus, blending in, looking like most of the women in Hudson. No one could tell the difference!
Then I looked down. The snow pack on the sidewalk was witness to my passing. Unlike all the people around me, there was no question where I had been, for the treads clearly spelled out E-m-u. I was a walking advertisement for the boots!
Suddenly my thoughts went to the Bible. We Christians, who on the surface look like everyone else, usually blending in, doing what everyone else does on a daily basis, are called to be a sweet fragrance. There should be something distinctive about us. When we pass, there should be no question whose we are. Something about us should be witness to our having been there. Even when we are gone, reminders of our presence should abound. We should be E-m-u, stamped in the snow!!