Friday, January 8, 2010

In the beginning (by Judy)...

Today the school where I work, like every school in northeast Ohio, is closed because of snow. Many of my friends are retired, and often I admit to retirement envy, but there are not many things more wonderful than a phone call at 6:15 saying that I can keep my jammies on and linger over my coffee and New York Times. I will miss that childlike delight when I finally move on! Don't you think that bleak can be beautiful?!?

Carolyn turned to the Bible in her first post. She even optimistically asked our readers to consider a story. I am turning to a devotional of writings by C.S. Lewis, who called himself a dinosaur, but seems to speak to all of us, if we invite him. His January 4th entry reminds us that Reason alone can't tell us whether the cat is in the cupboard. Reason herself whispers, "Go and look for yourself."

In the same way, Reason alone can't help us grapple with God. Rather, a verse from the Bible reminds us to, "Taste and see that the Lord is good." As someone who holds food slightly below God and family, I hope that through this blog, we can taste and see together. The rest of the verse says, "Blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him." Perhaps we can find a refuge together too.

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